START - Saturn Computers Inc

the Planet Saturn

Yellow Moon

Internet Movie Database
The most extensive database of movie information in the world. If you can't find the movie here it doesn't exist.

Anderson Movie Times
Show times for the Anderson Indiana area from Yahoo! Movies.

Rotten Tomatoes
The coolest movie review site on the Internet. Check it out...


The Digital Bits
A site with daily updates on the latest happenings in the DVD scene. Also includes movie reviews & technical info.


Universe Sandbox
We are recommending this website and software for a great 3D space / gravity simulator and educational tool. Create and destroy the universe and have fun doing it in 3D. Watch our Solar System rotate in 3D. If you do nothing else, be sure to watch the one minute video.


Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
Find out when and what their playing, or take a minute to meet the orchestra.



TV Guide
A direct link to their listings page, first time visitors enter your zip code, and next time, the listings will come up right away.

The Networks
ABC - Millionaire, Once& Again...
CBS - Survivor, David Letterman...
NBC - West Wing, Law & Order... 
FOX - X-Files, Simpsons...
WB - Smallville, Gillmore Girls...
UPN - Buffy, Enterprise...

The classic Mickey Mouse, his spunky best girl Minnie, his ol' pal Pluto can all be found here along with everything else Disney.

