Madison Heights High School
1965 Class Reunion



At the end of our junior year, these 10 students held the top 10 positions in the class of '65 rankings with 479 students. Left to right, the students were Eileen Simkin, Bob McVicker, Doug Sparks, Cindy Baker, Gloria Gemberling, Richard Jones, Ann Dillie, Pam Furnace, Peggy Dwyer, and Charlotte Ann Kingsbury.

By the end of our senior year, Pam Furnace was the only one left with all A's and became our Valedictorian. She also won the DAR Award for outstanding scholarship in the field of history.



And tied for 2nd place in our senior year, these three students only received one B during their high school career and became our salutatorians. Left to right, the students were Peggy Dixon, Eileen Simkin, and Ann Dillie.



National Merit Scholars, Doug Sparks and Sue Elsten.








By invitation from the National Merit Foundation, Sue Elsten attended an eight-week summer seminar in English at Cornell University in Pennsylvania.



Girls' and Boys' State representatives from Madison Heights, Sue Swan, Pam Furnace, Charlie Huston and Doug sparks, reminisce as they look at the scrapbook containing pictures of their activities at I.U.




Winner of the Crisco Award, senior Anza Mauck busies herself in the Home Ec kitchen.





Mary Ann Ganger, winner of the Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow Award, demonstrates her ability in the preparation of food.





