Madison Heights High School
1965 Class Reunion



Our Pirates Made 'em
"Walk the Plank!"

"Pirates "upset the world" to whip might foes, offsetting list of losses to lesser rivals."

Varsity Basketball Team—Bottom Row—Don Platt, Larry Metzing, and DeWitt Weaver, Man­agers. Row 2—Billy Carter, Don Carr, Phil Fans, Todd Sloane, Phil Thomas. Row 3Coach Wilson, Dan Jones, Don McShirley, Larry Dippel, Bob McVicker, Joe Snowden, Assistant Coach Howell.

Watch the 1965 Marion - MHHS
Basketball Game Video.
(Courtesy of Gary Sewell, class of 1976)

Resolute Pirates win a strategic fourth-quarter tip in the Markleville game.

Larry Dippel fights for an elusive ball against crosstown rival Highland.

Veteran Todd Sloane executes a perfect jump shot against the Noblesville Millers.

Enthusiasm pours forth from the buccaneers' bench as the team rallies early in the second half of the game against Muncie South.

Joe Snowden springs from the hardwood to score a jump shot in the season opener.

Junior Phil Faris charges through the Indian defense to score an easy lay-in.

Celebrating a basketball victory, pirate fans hoist two  varsity players, Todd Sloane and Bob McVicker, onto their shoulders for a victory march around the gym.

