Madison Heights High School
1965 Class Reunion



"Ya Lily-Livered Land-Lubbers!"

In 1965, our rugged Corsair matmen grappled some of the state's finest teams to garner 5 wins against 7 losses.

Varsity Wrestling Team—Bottom Row—Dennis Stoner, manager, Don Jones, Tom Adams, Mike Robinson, Randy Hughes, Dennis Otis, Steve Deiph, Roland Hiday, manager. Row 2—Coach Lamb, Coach Temple, Doug Sparks, Jay Oster, Larry Maguire, Paul Griner, Dave Bertram, George Peters, Coach Nicholson.

Set to pin his opponent, George Peters executes the "over-and-under" hold.

Senior Mike Robinson overpowers his opponent to produce an impressive sectional win.

Wrestling standout Steve Delph manhandles an Anderson opponent, scoring a laudable win in the sectional at Lafayette. Delph finished second in the year's sectional in the 95-pound class.

Don Jones applies a half-nelson to gain valuable ground against his opposition.

From the 1964 yearbook - Steve Delph demonstrates his sectional-winning form on team mate Carl Flatt during practice.

From the 1964 yearbook - Mike Robinson had matters well in hand as he moved atop his opponent.

Also from the 1964 yearbook - Trying to regain position, Randy Hughes applied pressure to the midsection of his opponent.


