Madison Heights High School
1965 Class Reunion


Service Club
was dedicated to the purpose of serving others and these students worked in the counseling and health offices during the year.

Service Club
Bottom Row —
David Sell, Karen Dew, Karen Davis, president, Leanne Boicourt, Roberta Guthrie, secretary-treasurer, Anita Schowe, Paula Schlossberg, Cindy Edens.
Row 2 — Mrs. Lightfoot, school nurse,
Sandra Bowles, Betty Solvens, Elaine Edens, Lynn Frazier, vice-president, Ruth Ann Wilhoite, Pat Boswell, Mrs. Grantham, sponsor.

Senior Steve Stickler discussed future plans for "Interact", a service club for high school boys, with Mr. Charles Laughlin, advisor.



Working as a hall monitor, Karen Dew had the job of collecting the morning absence slips.






