I would like to meet with the girls but it seems I am always out of town
when they meet! That is NOT a bad thing! Retirement is great – we can just
pick up and go whenever we feel like it!!!
By the way-I did not totally retire, I went on-call.
I have worked for Edward Jones Securities for 10 yrs. My office is in Indy.
Jimmy and I will have our 40th wedding anniversary in March. We have had 5
children, Amanda, passed away in 1973 at age 6, Michael 35, Brian 30,
Benjamin 26, and Mary 24. We have 2 grandchildren. Jason 8 (belongs to
Michael) and Ashley 3 (belongs to Brian).
We enjoy riding our Goldwing. We rode to California and back in July,
putting over 8000 miles on the Wing. We visited Glacier, Yellowstone, Mt
Hood, Crater Lake, Arches, Bryce Canyon and many more. It was AWSOME! We
hope to do the east coast summer 05.