news & info News.com
The latest in technology & computer news. Brought to you by CNET.
PC Magazine Online
One of the great computer info resources.
The Computer Network - Complete with tips, ideas, reviews, articles, and
everything else. They've got everything.
Search Engine Watch
While not a search engine, this site has interesting information
about how the different search engines compare & work.
Gibson Research Corporation
Fascinating info on the latest in computer security.
software Universe
are recommending this website and software for a great 3D space / gravity
simulator. Create and destroy the universe and have fun doing it
in 3D. If you do nothing else, be sure to watch the one minute video.
ZDNet Software Library

Download top-rated shareware, freeware, demos, and more.
Saturn's Web Library
A basic collection of the Internet surfing basics...
Saturn Computers LLC 
Providing Anderson, Muncie, & Central Indiana with the finest in
computers & service for Business, Education, & Home since 1981.